Dec 29, 2008

Later again...

I'll post later, certainly not before tomorrow. I checked my daughter's temp and it rised since my last post, 104F now ! I so hate that, I am always really really worried when she reaches that mark. So I'll be taking care of her a lot from now.
I'll try to read your blogs in the meantime if I can.

Sorry for being so absent...

I have 3 good reasons :
- I tried to set up a company before the holidays (you can imagine how any administration and bank will celebrate the holidays in France !)
- I then had family over for Christmas
- In between, I was disconnected again 3 days but this time, I called Orange and they could fix definitely the problem.
So I'll post later, I just wanted to let you know that I am back on tracks !!
I hope you all enjoying the Holidays and are all ready to welcome 2009.
Happy Holidays !

Dec 8, 2008

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

I am not sure there is a special quote in English for spiders. Here we usually say (I don't know why) : " Araignee du matin, chagrin. Araignee du soir, espoir". I don't know why there is a difference in your life wether you meet the spider on the morning or on the evening !
Anyway, today it was "hope" although it could also be "mommy-I-am-so-freaking-I-can't-sleep".
Right after reading "If you give a mouse a cookie", I started making "action linked to a thought linked to an action, etc". My first idea was to tell you that I was going to post tonight and couldn't because my son freaked so much. I lost dozens of minutes trying to catch the spider and I didn't because she is stucked to the ceiling and I am really not that tall, even on a chair !
But, as you will read, I got caught into posting !!

I have a special link with spiders. I was telling my daughter that when I was around 7, when I was really really not behaving good, my mother will put me in time-out in the stairs of the cave. We were in a really old house so the cave was really scary. Dust everywhere, few light bulbs, and lots of spider webs and scary black huge spiders. Now that I look back with my eyes of adult and especially seeing my daughter's reaction (completely frozen with very round eyes !), I think that maybe my mom didn't read any book about positive discipline !
Besides these spooky times-out, I think I tried being really brave and making friend with spider. I tried...At least, I am not that scared of them now but still...if it's too big, I freak !
The two spiders (that might explain why he freaked so much) were tiny tiny little spiders. I said "She is a baby, she won't do any harm to you, just let her around". As he started rolling his eyes trying to see behind his back while I was brushing his teeths, I explained all about why spiders needed some warm places during winter. No success...

I explained him I didn't want to harm the tiny spider so I tried to catch her on a piece of paper to throw her out. That's how I lost some credibility because I thought I did but...I didn't.
While he was rolling his eyes, he saw her climbing up the spout again, I mean the door ! So I tried again, she just felt down with a piece of web ! I finally ejected her on the roof. I was feeling proud but I heard "mooooooomy, a spider again. There she was, the exact twin of the first one. Stuck on the ceiling. I tried to move her down with a towel but I couldn't. My son thought for a few minutes that I lured him and that she was back (and not outside on the roof). I explained myself but it was worse, it started to look like a spider invasion. Then, she wasn't moving so I said" we're good, I think I smashed her accidentally, she is so tiny". 5 minutes after, she had moved 5 cm !!! I was definitively not credible anymore ! I told him that she is moving since the beginning toward our bedroom and not his but he only heard "moving" !
With that kind of scary fellings, I guess you are not rational, you don't listen anymore...especially if you are under 5 !
Well, I am not sure we'll both a good night of sleep. He's like me and as a kid, I was capable not to sleep and keep the light on all night...I'll keep you posted !

Nov 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I wanted to post today, while the kids are at home as it is my "homemaker day of the week" but it looks like I won't be able to. My daughter is the most unfocused person in the world I know and I got to watch her during her homework time. By the time they will be done, I have to take care of the laundry and sort the mail that piled up since the week-end (remember, homemaker day !). If I am lucky and my kids cooperative, I'll update Money and try to watch the only day "Pushing Daisies" first episode for free on the*Canal+* website.
Oh, I forgot dinner...and bathtime...
Anyway, I think daily about you my loyal readers and promise I'll catch up...soon !
Happy Thanksgiving !

Nov 16, 2008

Twitter or not twitter

En balade sur un des blogs americains que je frequente irregulierement mais fidelement (a moins que ce soit un blog canadien en anglais), j'ai decouvert *Twitter*. J'ai trouve ca super bizarre au debut mais tres vite marrant. J'ai voulu tout de suite le partager avec une copine du Maine a qui le concept de "je te parle en 140 signes" allait surement plaire !!
Finalement, c'etait encore quelques dizaines de signes de trop car l'experience s'est arretee la.
Je trouvais personnellement que ca ressemblait a une webcam mais sans l'image.

Mon twitter est du coup vite devenu "private", entre ma copine du Maine surbookee et moi-meme. Au bout de 2 jours, je n'y "jouais" plus...Jusqu'a ce que je tombe, en lisant des articles sur le site du *Monde* sur cet article du *Monde2* : Twitter média de l'ère Obama
Cela m'a apporte un nouveau eclairage sur *twitter* mais bon, je reste sceptique.
D'autant qu'on vous propose de regarder si parmi vos contacts, certains sont deja 'twitterises"...en donnant votre adresse email et (hallucinant) votre mot de passe correspondant a votre adresse email....

I was reading one American blog I read with loyalty but irregularity when I first heard of *Twitter* (or maybe it was a Canadian English).
First, it sounded pretty weird then I found the concept funny. I decided to share it immediately with a friend I have in Maine. I thought that she would really embraced the 140-sign only message as a brilliant concept she could use to stay in touch with me in just few minutes.

Anyway, the more I thought about it, the more it looks weird to me, like a webcam without images ! As I was reading articles on the *Le Monde* website, I found this article on *Le Monde2*, "Twitter, media de l'ere Obama". It was interesting but still, I am sceptical. Especially when I tried to use one of their features, find if any of your contacts are on *twitter* giving them away your email password...!!

Nov 10, 2008


Hello !
Sorry for not keeping my blog updated. After the "Toussaint" vacations, I had problems with my internet connection. It's been on and off, mostly off, for a week now and it's getting on my nerves. I know it might sound silly but I just CAN'T be without internet...

Anyway, I'll make it short as I work at least 1 hour to re-connect my computer (luckily, I know more or less where to go and what to do) and just win a few hours of connection.
Speaking of, it's amazing how many women I talked to recently that don't take full advantages of internet. Few examples :
* One just told me (she is a dentist) : "if I just need to hit the reply button, I am fine but don't ask me to send you an email or click on a link"...
* Another said "I wasn't raised with internet, I didn't study with internet, I didn't work with internet. I am 48, my kids know how to use internet and help me if needed so I don't want spend time learning about it".
* Last one, and my guess is that she is in her mid-40's , "I don't understand computer and just can do basics things like starting it, type my notes on Word, check my emails, reply or send and order books trough *Amazon*. For the rest, my kids can help me or do it for me".
I don't judge them but jeez, how can you knowingly put yourself on the side like this ?
Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am idealizing internet but to my opinion, getting to know how to use a great technology as internet is vital. When you see how many things you can do, find and share through the web, you get hooked !

To finish on a special note, one innocent and sincere comment my daughter made during the week-end made me smile and I still think about it. We were grocery shopping like almost everyone in France on Saturday (lunch time is less crowded). At the cash register, we had a very nice lady. She was pleasant and had a beautiful smile. She even talked while scanning our articles with my daughter. For American people, this won't sound so special but in France, grown-ups don't talk with kids. I don't know why but I suppose it's because they are just kids. When we lived in the US, everybody was talking to my kids in grocery stores, from baby to kindergartener ! And they liked it !
Anyway, when we left the cash register, my daughter told me " Mommy, she was a very nice lady. Considering the fact that she has *dark skin*, do you think she'll become one day president of France ? ".....

Nov 5, 2008

Barack Obama est le 44eme president des Etats-Unis / Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of United States

Un seul mot : Bravo !
Bravo au nouveau President et bravo aux Americains !
Je suis impressionnee par le resultat de cette election !

Oct 27, 2008

Etat d'esprit

Je suis allee fouiner a la librairie histoire de lire autre chose que mon habituel ELLE (que j'apprecie beaucoup). Quels titres !! Meme en essayant differents bords politiques...
- Le Monde2 : "La fin d'un monde"
- Le Nouvel Observateur (Nouvel Obs) : "Les speculateurs s'enrichissent, les contribuables paient...Ou va le capitalisme ?"
- L'Express : "Ce que va nous couter la crise"
Ouh la la...Je les lis quand meme cette semaine dans un but purement informatif. Comme disent les Americains, pour "m'eduquer".
Je crois finalement que je vais faire un saut a la Maison de la Presse du coin (tant pis si les enfants pleurnichent devant tous les magazines qu'ils n'auront pas !) et acheter ELLE si la couverture est interessante ! Non pas que j'aie besoin de lire autre chose mais au moins, je changerai de sujet pour quelques instants.

Time Magazine est dans le meme etat d'esprit. L'edition Europeenne titre "Un ocean de dettes" et ajoute d'autres entrees allechantes comme "La vie sans credit/Life without credit" (puisque beaucoup de credits a la consommation arrivent a echeance et ne se renouvelleront pas) ou bien "Les USA ne sont plus le leader du monde / America : The Lost leader".
Ici la Une du Time Magazine (Europe)
Un article different attire l'oeil du lecteur, Sarah Palin aurait depense $150,000 en vetements dit "de campagne". Le journaliste explique ici pourquoi c'est on a meme droit a une galerie de photos avec en legende les noms des createurs !! Finalement, tout le monde a besoin de se detendre, non ?
Mais la ou ca devient carrement moins fun, c'est lorsqu'un article explique que la crise va toucher les mariages..."Will the market kill your marriage ?"

Bonne lecture et a bientot pour d'autres nouvelles !
I'llwrite the English post as soon as I finish my errands !

Ok here I am. I tried to read something else than my usual weekly ELLE (but I do like most of the issues) and went to the library to check out some magazines and start to be educated in economics and finance. After reading only the covers, I think I am going to get that ELLE !
Even with different "political" points of vue like :
-- Le Monde2 : "The end of a certain Time" (left wing)
- Le Nouvel Observateur (Nouvel Obs) : "Speculators get rich, tax payers pay, where Capitalism is aiming to ?" (left wing)
- L'Express : "How much is going to cost us that crisis" (right wing)

Time Magazine is not so different. The European issue cover says : "A sea of debt" has some attractive headlines like "Life without credit (what deleveraging really means)" or "America : the lost leader".
Here is the Cover of Time Magazine (Europe)
A different type of topic though in an article about Sarah Palin's new wardrobe. She had quite a nice budget ($150,000) but here you can read why the journalist didn't like her spendings. You can even view a whole gallery of her new outfits !!
Looks like we can still enjoy some entertainment !

But where it can be seriously ironic or just realistic, it's when you read the article about marriages in the crisis : "Will the market kill your marriage ?"

Oct 21, 2008

Je reviens...I'll be back soon

Je ne savais pas a quel point organiser son retour a la vie active etait aussi prenant ! Je suis donc un peu debordee depuis 1 semaine mais je compte rattraper mon retard rapidement.

Restez en ligne !

I didn't expected my back-to-work preparations to take so much of my *free* time. So I am a little bit overwhelmed right now but I'll be back very soon to catch up with you guys ! Some bloggers have a Wordless Wednesday. As it is a day off for preschool, primary and middle school students in France, I can't do the same (well, I could...but not my kids !!)

Please stay tuned !!

Oct 14, 2008

La poste...The Post Office

J'ai du aller deux fois a la Poste en quelques jours et j'avais oublie a quel point c'est plus stressant que d'aller au supermarche le samedi !
Je ne sais pas si c'est pareil dans d'autres villes mais dans la mienne, il n'y a que 2 bureaux de poste : un grand et un petit. Le grand est facile d'acces en voiture donc tout le monde y va. Il ya presque toujours une enorme file d'attente. Ils ont donc decide de mettre en place un nouveau systeme pour fluidifier l'attente : vous prenez un ticket en fonction de votre besoin (comme a la Prefecture de Lille). Quand il y a beaucoup de monde, les gens se plaignent toujours a voix haute du temps passe a attendre et combien le syteme est injuste. Le systeme....La derniere fois, une dame s'est enervee. Elle disait etre la depuis une eternite et ne comprenait pas pourquoi une dame qui venait d'arriver passait avant elle. Cette dame chanceuse s'excusa du regard. "Ce n'est pas vous, madame", lui repondit la dame fachee, "c'est le systeme !". Tout le monde hocha la tete en signe d'accord. C'est a ce moment-la que je realisa que je n'avais pas utilise "le systeme" et devais prendre un ticket. "Hors Service". Je demanda autour de moi :"comment fait-on quand le systeme ne marche plus ?". On me repondit " on a demande mais on ne nous a pas repondu". Tout le monde commenta "quel systeme !!".
Ceci dit, j'ai attendu hier 10 minutes pour recuperer une lettre recommandee (avec plein de monde) mais ce matin, je n'ai eu que 2 minutes d'attente pour en enregistrer une (avec 3 fois moins de personnes a attendre) pense aussi que malheureusement, contrairement a sa fonction premiere, le systeme est foireux quand il y a du monde !!

I had to go twice to the Post Office in a few days and it's like being on a crazy mission ! Worse that grocery shopping a Saturday ! I don't know in others towns but in my town, there is only one central Post Office and a small one. It's easy to park around the Main Post Office so everybody goes there. The lines are usually pretty long so they decided to put a new system. You now have to get a number depending on what you need (like in the Prefecture de Lille). When it's crowded, people always complain loudly about how long they have been waiting and how unfair is that system. The system...Last time, a woman told everybody how frustrated she was about waiting so long and how upset she was because someone that just arrived got hes turn before she did. The lucky woman felt somehow sorry for her (the way she looked at her in response at her frustration). That's when "the system" arrived in the conversation. The unlucky woman said "it's not your fault, it's the system !". And eveybody nodded silently. At that very moment, I realized I forgot to take a number at the machine. I was going to but it said "Out of Service". "What system do we use when this system is not working ?" I asked. Someone responded "I asked but they didn't answer me, they don't know". Almost everybody commented "what a system !!" (is that a very French way of criticizing ??)
Anyway, I was on line 10 minutes yesterday only to pick up a registered letter (get it and sign : 1 minute) and it was crowded. This morning, 3 time less people waiting, I had a 2-minute wait to send a registered letter (5 minutes of work)...the system doesn't work correctly when it's crowded !!
Not having to go to the Post Office....priceless !!!!

Oct 7, 2008

Suite de mon post , "les banques changent de noms"...following my last post, "Banks are changing names" (in French)

De retour...back on tracks !

Hello, hello !
Mon deuxieme coup de coeur

Desolee d'avoir ete aussi absente mais impossible de consacrer plus de 5 minutes a ce blog. Je me suis concentree sur la preparation aux entretiens. Le dernier remonte a plus de 10 ans et j'aimerai beaucoup ne pas etre prise au depourvu, piegee par une question que je n'attendais pas. Meme si ca fait partie du jeu...!! Je me fais peut-etre des idees mais j'ai l'impression qu'apres avoir quitte la vie active plusieurs annees, nous perdons le reflexe de nous concentrer sur nous-memes...Donc j'ai annonce officiellement a mon cheri que je ne faisais plus rien dans la maison...dans la semaine, de 9h a 17h ! Ca va mieux depuis !!!! Dur de prendre ses marques mais rafraichissant !

Je trouve la situation economique actuelle particulierement preoccupante. C'est la premiere fois qu'on en parle autant sur la seule radio que je peux ecouter *nrj*. Ce matin, j'ai entendu le mot "krach boursier" et plus inquietant "les banques ne se pretent plus entre elles". Je me demande si en ecoutant ce genre de nouvelles, on n'a pas envie d'aller retirer ses economies et les coller sous son matelas...
Anyway, je me demande si mon retour a la vie active ne va pas etre un peu compromis !! Ceci dit, j'ai rencontre recemment beaucoup de mamans qui repartent au travail. Par necessite ?

Hello and sorry for being so absent from that blog.

I couldn't even find 5 minutes to post, I was literally obsessed by preparing job interviews. Last one I had was (more than) 10 years ago and I couldn't stand the idea of being destabilized by a tricky question...even if it's part of the fun of job interviews. I don't know if I should think so but because I didn't work for many years, I feel like I lost the ability of focusing on myself., focusing on a job I announced officially to my hubby that I'd stop taking care of the house...during the week, between 9 and 5 pm. I am feeling better focused now !! Although finding a new organization is still a little bit tricky...but it is SO refreshing !!

Today the World Economy is really worrying me. It's the first time I hear on the news of the only good radio I can get in the car (*nrj*) : "financial crisis" and "banks are no more lending money to each others". I am wondering how do you feel listening to that kind of news. Do you feel like running to your bank and withdrawing all youe savings ?
Yesterday, my husband came back from working saying in French (because he's French !) "c'est chaud !" meaning "it's really bad"...(and he works in finance).
Anyway, I am not sure I'll get back to work anytime soon. I recently met a lot of moms going back to work. Out of economic necessity ?

Sep 24, 2008

Music Maestro !

Mon coup de coeur du moment !!
Enjoy !

Sep 18, 2008

C'est la guerre autour de l'ecole / School zone in France

Juste un petit post rapide, la grande est malade a la maison.
J'ai fait l'erreur de me garer dans la rue de l'ecole ce matin, une vraie zone de guerre ! Il faut dire que ma voiture est tres grosse et tres longue, ce n'est pas mon choix mais c'est deja fastidieux en ville, en temps de paix alors a l'ecole, le matin, c'est chaud !
J'arrive au dernier carrefour avant l'ecole et 5m plus loin, une enorme place libre (3 voitures ou juste la mienne !!) me fait de grands signes. Une voiture (conduite par un homme, je precise), qui etait au stop a ma gauche la voit aussi et anticipant ma lourdeur (ok, mais quand meme !). fonce a toute berzingue, me grillant le stop au passage. glisse mon tank derriere lui quand boing, un magnifique SUV BMW (conduit par une femme) m'emboutit le retro gauche. Je ne dis rien, il a juste pris un coup mais quand meme !
(NDLR : j'en suis deja a mon 2eme retro en 1 an, je ne depasse plus les bus ni les camionnettes mal garees maintenant !).

Quand je repars, c'est la vraie zone de guerre. Les parents sont ultra supers mega presses d'aller au boulot et une fraction de seconde de perdue, c'est une veritable catastrophe. Alors tout le monde accelere en trombe, debraye, embraye, se faufile, se gene, et zero courtoisie. Ca prend du temps la courtoisie et le temps, c'est precieux le matin. J'ai eu l'impression de zigzaguer entre les voitures garees a moitie sur le trottoir et celles arrivant en trombe en face (si vous connaissiez ma voiture, vous sauriez qu'elle peut tout faire sauf zigzaguer...ou bien 1 ou 2 zigzags sur 50m !!).
J'etais limite en sueur ! Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils ont tous !! Demain, je me gare dans la rue d'a cote. Je marcherai a peine plus mais au moins, j'aurai juste peur de me faire ecraser en traversant au carrefour en repartant. Ma voiture sera sauve, elle !

Just a quick post, my oldest is sick at home.
This morning, I made the mistake to park right in the street of the school. I didn't know it's not a school zone but a war zone. For thoses who don't know my car, it's very long and wide.It's not my choice but I have to assume it. It's not easy to drive downtown but in school zone, it's a nightmare !!
As soon as I arrived at the last crossing, I saw the most beautiful spot, 3 cars or just mine (I don't ever ever parallel park). The man waiting at a stop sign at my left saw it too and anticipating my speed (given the weight and size of my car) just drove off to park in it. O.k, no harm done, I could still park. I was half my way when Bang ! someone hit my mirror ! A nice and BM SUV (driven by a woman). I didn't react, no harm done but I was upset. I have to tell you that I smashed my mirror twice since I drive this car in France (in 12 months). I do no more pass buses or double-parked trucks.

When I got back to the car, I was in a war zone ! I could almost feel people anxiety to leave the place. They couldn't afford to lose even a second, their life would be ruined. So they were driving like mad (I'd say "like French people" !!), using like crazy the manual stick and the gas pedal. It was like a race ! What's wrong with you people ??!!

Tomorrow morning, I'll park one block from the school (like usual). My only challenge will be not to get hit by a car while crossing the street but at least, my car will be safe and sound !
(PS It's a Town& Country)

Sep 11, 2008

Sept 11

1 minute of silence in memory of Sept 11 victims.

Sep 10, 2008

Les adresses / Addresses

Par quoi commencer ? du lundi au vendredi :

* lundi, vers 11h30, c'est le meilleur moment pour aller faire ses courses au supermarche. Certains produits sont encore manquants mais la majorite a deja ete rechargee pendant la matinee (apres la razzia su samedi).

* mardi, c'est bien connu, c'est ravioli. Sans rire, rien de special, ce jour-la a part qu'en Province (donc a Lille), c'est le jour ou beaucoup de magasins ouvrent apres 2 jours de repos. Donc je reviens au lundi pour dire que la plupart des enseignes a couverture nationale sont ouverts le lundi et...sont tranquilles (ex : Gap en centre-ville).

* mercredi, jour des enfants
- la bibliotheque : j'adore la mediatheque de Marcq, meme si j'ai souvent du mal a trouver des livres pour les enfants (mais ceci fera l'objet d'une autre discussion)
- le parc : mon favori de loin est celui de l'hippodrome.
- la danse ou la piscine : ma grande va a Danse Creation. Nous avons renouvele son inscription apres une annee reussie. La piscine reprend la semaine prochaine, ce sera notre premiere fois donc pas de commentaires pour le moment.
- la gymnastique : nous allons essayer Gymboree avec le petit. Quelqu'un a teste ? C'est un peu cher mais je les imagine loin du cours de gym traditionel. On verra la semaine prochaine.

* jeudi, c'est le jour ou je m'occupe de la maison et des papiers, rien de tres sexy. C'est aussi le jour de nouveaux episodes de Desperate Housewives sur C+ pour les aficionados !

* vendredi, c'est le jour des derniers points non faits de la "To Do List" de la semaine...ou bien du sport quand je suis motive. Une petite seance de pilates ou bien de je pouvais m'astreindre a le faire tous les vendredi, ce serait super !
Pour certaines, c'est jour de marche a Marcq. Je n'y vais jamais depuis que je sais que dans le centre commercial de Match, il y a un primeur pas mal. Je n'y suis pas encore allee mais c'est bon a savoir. Ah oui, j'oubliais, il y a aussi la Ferme du Sart a Villeneuve d'Ascq (on la voit de la rocade) mais la c'est 7j/7. Bons produits et cadre original !

* week-end : avant les enfants, c'etait le moment de la semaine vraiment attendu. On partait du bureau en lancant avec un grand sourire "bon week-end". Maintenant, c'est plutot "comment vais-je caser en 2 jours les courses, les achats divers, la bibliotheque, le coiffeur, l'estheticienne et le gazon a tondre ? A propos, mon salon prefere est Katia G sur la place et mon estheticienne est a "Secret Beaute" derriere l'Office de Tourisme.

Sur ce, on n'est que mercredi et la liste de la semaine est toujours aussi longue donc je file !!

Monday to Friday :
* Monday : 11h30 is the best time to go to the supermarket. The store has been almost fully reloaded after the week-end and it's really peaceful.

* Tuesday, most of the stores in Province (and as a matter of fact, in Lille) open after 2 day-break. That brings me back to Monday when some stores are open and very quiet (ex : Gap).

* Wednesday, kids day :
- the library : I really like the Mediatheque in Marcq except for one thing : it takes quite some time to find nice books for under 6 year-old (but this will be a different subject)
- the playground : the best one for us is the one at l'Hippodrome (Bd Clemenceau).
- the Dance Class or the swim class : we signed the oldest for another year at Danse Creation, she really likes it. As for swim class, it'll start next week but it's our first year so no comment so far.
- Gymnastics : we'll try Gymboree for the youngest. I think they are really different from traditional gymnastics class in France but we'll see, we have a free class scheduled next week. I bought one of their DVDs last week, the one with the Elephant and my son is thrilled, he really likes it (lucky me because I found it quite expensive for a 30-minute dvd !)

* Thursday, it's the day I mostly take care of the house, paperwork and other funny chores ! It's also the day of new episodes of Desperate Housewives on C+ !

* Friday : it's the last day of the week and I try to check all these tasks in my To Do List. If I am in shape, I do some pilates or gym ball...I wish I could make it a regular Friday activity !
For others, it's Farmers Market in Marcq. I don't usually do except when the kids are in vacations, they love it. I heard that the Primeur in the Match Shopping Center is good and cheaper. There is also La Ferme du Sart, nice products and interesting concept. But this one is open 7/7.

* Week-end : before we had kids, it was an expected moment of the week. You would leave the office by saying "Have a good week-end" and felt excited about it ! Now, it's mostly "how will I organize myself to go to the library, the hairdresser, shopping, waxing, help with the homework and gardening ?" . BTW, I like to go to Katia G (Hairdresser) and Secret Beaute (waxing).

Well, today it's Wednesday and my To Do List is still huge so I got to go !

Sep 5, 2008

Dur, dur la rentree ! Tough Day !

Voila, la date est passee mais les emotions sont melangees.
Le 1er jour etait pluto facile pour tous, surtout pour le plus petit, cool.
Mercredi a ete une bonne coupure.
Jeudi a ete un peu dur, les enfants pleuraient encore plus fort le matin, ils savaient a quoi s'attendre. Ceux qui ne pleuraient pas commencaient a s' ne pas s'inquieter !
Vendredi, en demi-teinte mais globalement reussi, en dehors du temps.
Meme la plus grande ne voulait plus trop de sa rentree !

Le w-e est bienvenu en tout cas, 3 nuits que nous dormons tous tres mal et la fatigue pese.
Peut-etre un saut a la Braderie, si le temps est cool. Avec des enfants, c'est toujours un peu une aventure de prendre le tram et de marcher en ville. Avec la pluie, c'est limite inconscient !

Petite anecdote marrante : je retrouve une maman que je connais par sa fille, copine de classe de la mienne. Son petit vient aussi de faire sa rentree en maternelle. On s'est a peine dit bonjour que le mien regarde fixement le sien et tres serieusement me dit " Maman, c'est lui qui m'a pousse !". Nous avons toutes les 2 bien reagi mais quelle surprise !!

Back to school emotions are now almost behind us.
The first day was almost too easy. Both were quite happy, the youngest found school quite fun and far far less intimidating than he thought and the oldest had fun playing with her friends.
Wednesday was a cool break.
Thursday was tough. Children were screaming or crying louder than they did the first day (they knew now how was preschool) and the ones that didn't, started worrying...about no being worried !!
Today was ok, except for the weather.
Even the oldest started to complain about being back to school !

Week-end is very welcome, we'll tray to catch up on some sneeze. We all slept very bad for the last 3 days. We might go to the Braderie if the weather is not bad. Taking the tram and walking downtown is always an adventure with kids but with rain, it's almost insane !

One funny thing happened at pick-up today : I met with a mom I knew from 1st grade with my oldest. Her youngest started preschool too. We hadn't started talking that my youngest stared at hers and said very seriously " Mommy, he's the one that hit me today !". We both reacted fine but what a surprise !!

Sep 2, 2008

La rentrée

Apres de longues vacances a la maison (pour cause de depart anticipe en vacances en juin), voila la rentree enfin attendue ! Rien de nouveau pour la grande qui en est a sa deuxieme rentree mais le petit arrivait pour la premiere fois dans le systeme educatif francais.

Rien que de savoir qu'ils allaient etre 30 et quelques copains/copines dans sa classe me stressait d'avance pour lui !

J'envie les petits americains (et peut-etre d'autres ecoliers dans le monde) qui ne depassent jamais les 20-25 eleves. Et encore, la plus grande etait dans une classe de 9 eleves a l'age de 4 ans avec 2 maitresses ! Est-ce mieux ? J'aimerais le croire mais je n'en suis pas si sure. Nous verrons a l'usage, je suis impatiente de voir comment il se debrouille. Comment avez-vous vecu la rentree ?

A moi maintenant de completer l'ecole pour tout ce qui est "arts plastiques".La plus grande s'est souvent plaint de ne pas faire assez de peinture ou de bricolage a l'ecole. "Que du travail !" nous a-t-elle dit apres 2 semaines d'ecole. A ce propos, j'ai recupere quelques adresses pour des cours d'arts plastiques a Marcq, si certaines d'entre vous sont interessees. Une personne fait d'ailleurs des cours a la carte (vacances seulement par exemple) et aussi pour adultes.
La plus grande est deja inscrite en cours de danse (contemporaine) et j'hesite a rajouter autre chose. Maintenant que le samedi matin est libre, je me demande si nous n'allons pas en profiter pour faire quelque chose ensemble (un sport ou du bricolage).
Qu'avez-vous choisi comme activites extra-scolaires pour vos enfants ?

After weeks of Summer vacations at home (due to early vacations in June), today is finally "la rentrée". Nothing new for my oldest. it's her second rentrée but the youngest was making his first steps in the French Preschool. Just thinking of his classroom full with 30ish other kids made me really nervous for a while. Lucky American children with 20ish classmates only. My oldest was part of a 9 children classroom at 4 year-old with 2 teachers !! I am not sure it's better but I am impatient to see how my youngest will feel after this unique experience ! How about you ? How was your "rentrée" ?

Speaking of small groups at school, the most inportant thing our oldest complained about when she started school in France last year was the lack of time for crafts. She asked me if she could it at home but it's not very easy to organize, especially with a younger brother/sister. So Wednesday is "craft time" during his naptime : we paint or draw or color or we cut through fashion magazines and glue whatever we like. I was going to sign her up to some "arts plastiques" classes but I am not sure now. She already has a dance class and with Saturdays off school now, we might enjoy some special time together for sports or crafts.
What did you choose for your kids ?

Sep 1, 2008

Nouveau !

Apres beaucoup de tatonnements, voici le nouveau blog.
J'espere que vous serez nombreux a le visiter !

After lots of doubts, here is the new blog. I hope to get many visitors !