Sep 5, 2008

Dur, dur la rentree ! Tough Day !

Voila, la date est passee mais les emotions sont melangees.
Le 1er jour etait pluto facile pour tous, surtout pour le plus petit, cool.
Mercredi a ete une bonne coupure.
Jeudi a ete un peu dur, les enfants pleuraient encore plus fort le matin, ils savaient a quoi s'attendre. Ceux qui ne pleuraient pas commencaient a s' ne pas s'inquieter !
Vendredi, en demi-teinte mais globalement reussi, en dehors du temps.
Meme la plus grande ne voulait plus trop de sa rentree !

Le w-e est bienvenu en tout cas, 3 nuits que nous dormons tous tres mal et la fatigue pese.
Peut-etre un saut a la Braderie, si le temps est cool. Avec des enfants, c'est toujours un peu une aventure de prendre le tram et de marcher en ville. Avec la pluie, c'est limite inconscient !

Petite anecdote marrante : je retrouve une maman que je connais par sa fille, copine de classe de la mienne. Son petit vient aussi de faire sa rentree en maternelle. On s'est a peine dit bonjour que le mien regarde fixement le sien et tres serieusement me dit " Maman, c'est lui qui m'a pousse !". Nous avons toutes les 2 bien reagi mais quelle surprise !!

Back to school emotions are now almost behind us.
The first day was almost too easy. Both were quite happy, the youngest found school quite fun and far far less intimidating than he thought and the oldest had fun playing with her friends.
Wednesday was a cool break.
Thursday was tough. Children were screaming or crying louder than they did the first day (they knew now how was preschool) and the ones that didn't, started worrying...about no being worried !!
Today was ok, except for the weather.
Even the oldest started to complain about being back to school !

Week-end is very welcome, we'll tray to catch up on some sneeze. We all slept very bad for the last 3 days. We might go to the Braderie if the weather is not bad. Taking the tram and walking downtown is always an adventure with kids but with rain, it's almost insane !

One funny thing happened at pick-up today : I met with a mom I knew from 1st grade with my oldest. Her youngest started preschool too. We hadn't started talking that my youngest stared at hers and said very seriously " Mommy, he's the one that hit me today !". We both reacted fine but what a surprise !!

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