Oct 7, 2008

De retour...back on tracks !

Hello, hello !
Mon deuxieme coup de coeur

Desolee d'avoir ete aussi absente mais impossible de consacrer plus de 5 minutes a ce blog. Je me suis concentree sur la preparation aux entretiens. Le dernier remonte a plus de 10 ans et j'aimerai beaucoup ne pas etre prise au depourvu, piegee par une question que je n'attendais pas. Meme si ca fait partie du jeu...!! Je me fais peut-etre des idees mais j'ai l'impression qu'apres avoir quitte la vie active plusieurs annees, nous perdons le reflexe de nous concentrer sur nous-memes...Donc j'ai annonce officiellement a mon cheri que je ne faisais plus rien dans la maison...dans la semaine, de 9h a 17h ! Ca va mieux depuis !!!! Dur de prendre ses marques mais rafraichissant !

Je trouve la situation economique actuelle particulierement preoccupante. C'est la premiere fois qu'on en parle autant sur la seule radio que je peux ecouter *nrj*. Ce matin, j'ai entendu le mot "krach boursier" et plus inquietant "les banques ne se pretent plus entre elles". Je me demande si en ecoutant ce genre de nouvelles, on n'a pas envie d'aller retirer ses economies et les coller sous son matelas...
Anyway, je me demande si mon retour a la vie active ne va pas etre un peu compromis !! Ceci dit, j'ai rencontre recemment beaucoup de mamans qui repartent au travail. Par necessite ?

Hello and sorry for being so absent from that blog.

I couldn't even find 5 minutes to post, I was literally obsessed by preparing job interviews. Last one I had was (more than) 10 years ago and I couldn't stand the idea of being destabilized by a tricky question...even if it's part of the fun of job interviews. I don't know if I should think so but because I didn't work for many years, I feel like I lost the ability of focusing on myself., focusing on a job situation...so I announced officially to my hubby that I'd stop taking care of the house...during the week, between 9 and 5 pm. I am feeling better focused now !! Although finding a new organization is still a little bit tricky...but it is SO refreshing !!

Today the World Economy is really worrying me. It's the first time I hear on the news of the only good radio I can get in the car (*nrj*) : "financial crisis" and "banks are no more lending money to each others". I am wondering how do you feel listening to that kind of news. Do you feel like running to your bank and withdrawing all youe savings ?
Yesterday, my husband came back from working saying in French (because he's French !) "c'est chaud !" meaning "it's really bad"...(and he works in finance).
Anyway, I am not sure I'll get back to work anytime soon. I recently met a lot of moms going back to work. Out of economic necessity ?

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