I wanted to post today, while the kids are at home as it is my "homemaker day of the week" but it looks like I won't be able to. My daughter is the most unfocused person in the world I know and I got to watch her during her homework time. By the time they will be done, I have to take care of the laundry and sort the mail that piled up since the week-end (remember, homemaker day !). If I am lucky and my kids cooperative, I'll update Money and try to watch the only day "Pushing Daisies" first episode for free on the*Canal+* website.
Oh, I forgot dinner...and bathtime...
Anyway, I think daily about you my loyal readers and promise I'll catch up...soon !
Happy Thanksgiving !
Nov 26, 2008
Nov 16, 2008
Twitter or not twitter
En balade sur un des blogs americains que je frequente irregulierement mais fidelement (a moins que ce soit un blog canadien en anglais), j'ai decouvert *Twitter*. J'ai trouve ca super bizarre au debut mais tres vite marrant. J'ai voulu tout de suite le partager avec une copine du Maine a qui le concept de "je te parle en 140 signes" allait surement plaire !!
Finalement, c'etait encore quelques dizaines de signes de trop car l'experience s'est arretee la.
Je trouvais personnellement que ca ressemblait a une webcam mais sans l'image.
Mon twitter est du coup vite devenu "private", entre ma copine du Maine surbookee et moi-meme. Au bout de 2 jours, je n'y "jouais" plus...Jusqu'a ce que je tombe, en lisant des articles sur le site du *Monde* sur cet article du *Monde2* : Twitter média de l'ère Obama
Cela m'a apporte un nouveau eclairage sur *twitter* mais bon, je reste sceptique.
D'autant qu'on vous propose de regarder si parmi vos contacts, certains sont deja 'twitterises"...en donnant votre adresse email et (hallucinant) votre mot de passe correspondant a votre adresse email....
I was reading one American blog I read with loyalty but irregularity when I first heard of *Twitter* (or maybe it was a Canadian blog...in English).
First, it sounded pretty weird then I found the concept funny. I decided to share it immediately with a friend I have in Maine. I thought that she would really embraced the 140-sign only message as a brilliant concept she could use to stay in touch with me in just few minutes.
Anyway, the more I thought about it, the more it looks weird to me, like a webcam without images ! As I was reading articles on the *Le Monde* website, I found this article on *Le Monde2*, "Twitter, media de l'ere Obama". It was interesting but still, I am sceptical. Especially when I tried to use one of their features, find if any of your contacts are on *twitter*...by giving them away your email password...!!
Finalement, c'etait encore quelques dizaines de signes de trop car l'experience s'est arretee la.
Je trouvais personnellement que ca ressemblait a une webcam mais sans l'image.
Mon twitter est du coup vite devenu "private", entre ma copine du Maine surbookee et moi-meme. Au bout de 2 jours, je n'y "jouais" plus...Jusqu'a ce que je tombe, en lisant des articles sur le site du *Monde* sur cet article du *Monde2* : Twitter média de l'ère Obama
Cela m'a apporte un nouveau eclairage sur *twitter* mais bon, je reste sceptique.
D'autant qu'on vous propose de regarder si parmi vos contacts, certains sont deja 'twitterises"...en donnant votre adresse email et (hallucinant) votre mot de passe correspondant a votre adresse email....
I was reading one American blog I read with loyalty but irregularity when I first heard of *Twitter* (or maybe it was a Canadian blog...in English).
First, it sounded pretty weird then I found the concept funny. I decided to share it immediately with a friend I have in Maine. I thought that she would really embraced the 140-sign only message as a brilliant concept she could use to stay in touch with me in just few minutes.
Anyway, the more I thought about it, the more it looks weird to me, like a webcam without images ! As I was reading articles on the *Le Monde* website, I found this article on *Le Monde2*, "Twitter, media de l'ere Obama". It was interesting but still, I am sceptical. Especially when I tried to use one of their features, find if any of your contacts are on *twitter*...by giving them away your email password...!!
Nov 10, 2008
Hello !
Sorry for not keeping my blog updated. After the "Toussaint" vacations, I had problems with my internet connection. It's been on and off, mostly off, for a week now and it's getting on my nerves. I know it might sound silly but I just CAN'T be without internet...
Anyway, I'll make it short as I work at least 1 hour to re-connect my computer (luckily, I know more or less where to go and what to do) and just win a few hours of connection.
Speaking of, it's amazing how many women I talked to recently that don't take full advantages of internet. Few examples :
* One just told me (she is a dentist) : "if I just need to hit the reply button, I am fine but don't ask me to send you an email or click on a link"...
* Another said "I wasn't raised with internet, I didn't study with internet, I didn't work with internet. I am 48, my kids know how to use internet and help me if needed so I don't want spend time learning about it".
* Last one, and my guess is that she is in her mid-40's , "I don't understand computer and just can do basics things like starting it, type my notes on Word, check my emails, reply or send and order books trough *Amazon*. For the rest, my kids can help me or do it for me".
I don't judge them but jeez, how can you knowingly put yourself on the side like this ?
Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am idealizing internet but to my opinion, getting to know how to use a great technology as internet is vital. When you see how many things you can do, find and share through the web, you get hooked !
To finish on a special note, one innocent and sincere comment my daughter made during the week-end made me smile and I still think about it. We were grocery shopping like almost everyone in France on Saturday (lunch time is less crowded). At the cash register, we had a very nice lady. She was pleasant and had a beautiful smile. She even talked while scanning our articles with my daughter. For American people, this won't sound so special but in France, grown-ups don't talk with kids. I don't know why but I suppose it's because they are just kids. When we lived in the US, everybody was talking to my kids in grocery stores, from baby to kindergartener ! And they liked it !
Anyway, when we left the cash register, my daughter told me " Mommy, she was a very nice lady. Considering the fact that she has *dark skin*, do you think she'll become one day president of France ? ".....
Sorry for not keeping my blog updated. After the "Toussaint" vacations, I had problems with my internet connection. It's been on and off, mostly off, for a week now and it's getting on my nerves. I know it might sound silly but I just CAN'T be without internet...
Anyway, I'll make it short as I work at least 1 hour to re-connect my computer (luckily, I know more or less where to go and what to do) and just win a few hours of connection.
Speaking of, it's amazing how many women I talked to recently that don't take full advantages of internet. Few examples :
* One just told me (she is a dentist) : "if I just need to hit the reply button, I am fine but don't ask me to send you an email or click on a link"...
* Another said "I wasn't raised with internet, I didn't study with internet, I didn't work with internet. I am 48, my kids know how to use internet and help me if needed so I don't want spend time learning about it".
* Last one, and my guess is that she is in her mid-40's , "I don't understand computer and just can do basics things like starting it, type my notes on Word, check my emails, reply or send and order books trough *Amazon*. For the rest, my kids can help me or do it for me".
I don't judge them but jeez, how can you knowingly put yourself on the side like this ?
Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am idealizing internet but to my opinion, getting to know how to use a great technology as internet is vital. When you see how many things you can do, find and share through the web, you get hooked !
To finish on a special note, one innocent and sincere comment my daughter made during the week-end made me smile and I still think about it. We were grocery shopping like almost everyone in France on Saturday (lunch time is less crowded). At the cash register, we had a very nice lady. She was pleasant and had a beautiful smile. She even talked while scanning our articles with my daughter. For American people, this won't sound so special but in France, grown-ups don't talk with kids. I don't know why but I suppose it's because they are just kids. When we lived in the US, everybody was talking to my kids in grocery stores, from baby to kindergartener ! And they liked it !
Anyway, when we left the cash register, my daughter told me " Mommy, she was a very nice lady. Considering the fact that she has *dark skin*, do you think she'll become one day president of France ? ".....
Nov 5, 2008
Barack Obama est le 44eme president des Etats-Unis / Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of United States
Un seul mot : Bravo !
Bravo au nouveau President et bravo aux Americains !
Je suis impressionnee par le resultat de cette election !
Bravo au nouveau President et bravo aux Americains !
Je suis impressionnee par le resultat de cette election !
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